Fúerza Fútbol

Fúerza Fútbol

Elite Training, Elite Competition, and Elite Players

Year Round Training

Team trains year round including full field 11v11 formats over the winter to ensure preparation for outdoor play.


Multifaceted Cultivation

Training will focus on all aspects of the game including individual technical development as well as tactical education to ensure a well rounded athlete.



Trace is utilized with each player for all games to review game film in a team and individual setting as a comprehension tool to visually understand areas of focus and reinforcement.




Elite Clubs National League


Select Clubs National Showcase League


Top Flight/Gold Bracket Only


The team plays all year in competitive tournaments that are full field (11v11)

Who We Are

Fúerza CF is an elite soccer team in the Des Moines area for ‘09 girls seeking to excel by training in a more intense and dynamic environment & competing in highly competitive tournaments.

It is a team oriented philosophy with a goal to compete against top teams and divisions around the Midwest as well as national tournaments against top ranked teams.


Fúerza CF is an invite only team that continuously seeks athletes who are interested in training and competing at the highest level of competition on a regional and national stage. We do not have a traditional tryout where large groups pay a fee to tryout, rather athletes are evaluated and selected on an individual basis. If interested in joining please utilize the contact us section at any point in the year and athletes will be invited to train at 2-3 sessions with the current team.

Ready to get involved?

Click below if interested in training and competing at a higher level!

Fúerza Fútbol

Elite Training, Elite Competition, and Elite Players

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